S omething many LLC businesses have a problem with is engaging with customers. They can’t seem to drive traffic to their website.
Those businesses that sell goods generally flood their site with all the merchandise they have for sale. However, unless someone is looking for one of those items in particular, you may completely disengage that customer until the next time they are in need of something from your business. So, how do you make sure you stay in the forefront of their mind at all times, even when they aren’t shopping your site? The answer is to write newsletters and blog posts. These are two incredibly useful ways to stay in front of your customer and can help give your sales a boost.
The Art of the Newsletter
It doesn’t matter if you sell one product or one thousand products — if someone isn’t in need of your product at a given moment, they aren’t going to be on your website if that’s all you have. When a visitor is on your website, you obviously want to show a high conversion rate where people are purchasing your goods. Having a newsletter is a great way to keep your business on the minds of your customers throughout the year. They may already be loyal customers, but you can bet all of your competitors are doing everything they can to pull them away from you.
Allowing your customers to sign up for a newsletter (you set the frequency of how often it gets sent out) is a great way to remind your customers of sales, events, new products, and even blog posts (we will touch on that next) to drive traffic to your website. Even if they aren’t in need of something, the content on your website might just send them over to your site to make a purchase — after all, that’s what you’re looking to accomplish.
Your newsletter doesn’t have to be long, in fact, you don’t want it to be, otherwise people will become bored of the extensive read and will unsubscribe. Remember, people have a short attention span. Add that on top of all the other emails they get throughout the day and your conversion will be low. Make sure you’re only putting things in the newsletter that will help the customer and try and engage them to make a purchase.
A great starting point for your blog is to sign up for a service like MailChimp . You can plan and schedule campaigns to run and build mailing lists right off of your website. It’s a simple way to stay in touch with your customers and get vital information you want to share in front of their eyeballs. You can start off with the free version that will allow up to 2,000 subscribers, and then after that you can pay to move into a more extensive plan that allows for more subscribers and emails to be sent out.
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The Art of the Blog Post
Having a blog on your website is a great idea to drive traffic to website. The best way to utilize a blog is by pushing the posts in your newsletter (mentioned above) as well as on your social media platforms. Keep the information relevant to your niche and make it fun and engaging. Many find creating content that helps the customer solve a problem is the best way to have a customer click on the link provided in your newsletter or social media post. For instance, let’s say your company sells apparel. A post that highlights "The Top 10 Items You Need to Survive the Winter Chill" will help entice someone to check out what you’re offering and showcasing. Maybe they are looking to purchase for themselves or maybe for a friend or relative. Either way, you’re pulling them over to your website to read the blog and hopefully make a purchase.
How often you blog is completely up to you. I wouldn’t go any longer than one week without a post, though— the same with your social media. Remember, you want to keep your customers engaged. Each time you engage them is an opportunity to make a sale. So, up front in your blog you might be educating the customer, but in the background you're embedding in their head that this is an item or items that they are in need of and should purchase.
It’s also a good idea to choose the same days to blog. This will create a “schedule” of sorts in the consumer’s brain that they should be expecting something from you on a certain day. By doing so, some customers wouldn’t even need to check social media or a newsletter if they already know when they should check back to your website. Many businesses blog Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Some only on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Some people even publish every day of the week, Monday through Friday. It’s totally up to you and how much information you feel you can bring to the blog on a weekly basis to drive traffic to your website.
What Not to Include in Your Newsletters and Blog Posts
These should go without saying, but it’s best to stay away from topics that might offend someone or a group of people. Steer clear of religious, political, and racial topics. While you want your blog posts shared, these types of viral blog topics are something you don’t want to be a part of and will, more times than not, have a very negative impact on your business and sales and will most certainly not help in the long term to drive traffic to your website. Look at who your audience is and come up with topics that you feel they would want to read.
Implement these strategies to your business and watch your sales grow without much effort at all. It’s all about engagement and bringing customers back and asking for a sale. If you never ask, the answer is always no — so ask often and educate your audience on what makes your product different, unique, and necessary.
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