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I f you’re forming an LLC or corporation, you will need to obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN). This number identifies you to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and is a useful reference for correspondence and paying taxes. When it comes to getting an EIN, you can use Bizee’s paid service, or get one directly from the IRS for free.
We offer a paid service for getting an EIN , so why would we tell you how to get one for free? It’s simple — we want to keep things easy for you. If you’re short on time and just want a convenient way to get an EIN when you’re forming your business, we make it easy. If you’ve got more time for business administration and you don’t mind filling in forms, you can go the “Do It Yourself” route too.
There are four ways to apply for an EIN with the IRS:
If you file online, your application will be checked and validated by the IRS, and you’ll be issued an EIN immediately. Other methods of applying may delay getting an EIN by a few days to a few weeks.
You’ll need to meet the following criteria to get an EIN:
Here’s what the IRS asks you to include on an SS-4 form :
Here’s what the IRS says about the EIN:
“Employer Identification Numbers are issued for the purpose of tax administration and are not intended for participation in any other activities (e.g., tax lien auction or sales, lotteries, etc.)”
If you’d rather not go through the hassle of applying for an EIN directly with the IRS, then we can obtain one on your behalf. You can request an EIN when you first form your business with us, or at any point afterward.
You can go to our online EIN request service , where we’ll ask you for the following information.
Although we do charge a nominal fee for this service, it’s often faster and easier to apply for an EIN through us than by going directly to the IRS. We can normally provide you with your EIN within one business day.
Note that we apply for and obtain an EIN for you automatically as part of our Gold and Platinum package incorporation service .
If you already have an EIN and the organization or ownership of your business changes, you may need to apply for a new number. Here are some of the circumstances under which a new number is required:
Here are some of our other useful articles about getting an EIN:
Paul is a freelance writer, small business owner, and British expat exploring the U.S. When he’s not politely apologizing, he enjoys hats, hockey, Earl Grey Tea, mountains, and dogs. Read more
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