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Marketing and Branding

Reaching larger customer base with ecommerce

PUBLISHEDDecember 30, 2016


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O ften, small businesses only have a few physical stores where customers can go to purchase their products, making ecommerce a vital tool for reaching a larger customer base.

Online shopping has become increasingly popular and is establishing its place among the American retail sector as shown by the relatively new tradition of Cyber Monday, the name given to the Monday after Thanksgiving when several online retailers offer discounts.

Ecommerce website need to provide shoppers with a clear description and image of the product as they will not be able to see it in person until after they purchase it. Drew Barton, CEO of the Southern Web Group, recommends posting the highest quality photographs available and offering shots from multiple angles in order to give a thorough portrayal of the items size and components, Inc. magazine reports.

"One of the statistics we tell our clients to look out for is the bounce rate. The lower you can get your bounce rate, the better your success rate," Barton told the news source. The bounce rate helps businesses monitor where the website traffic is coming from and what keywords visitors use to find the site.

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