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An investment LLC is a type of business entity that is created in order to invest through your company. Also called a Limited Liability Company, an LLC is a simple type of business entity that lets you put certain rules and regulations in place with the other members of your investing club.
Below, we cover what you can invest in through an investment LLC, LLC Operating Agreements, and everything else you need to know.
Typical types of investments you can make with your investment LLC include:
Note that LLCs cannot typically be used to hold investments in 401(K), IRA, ROTH, or other retirement plans or vehicles.
Operating Agreements are important for investment LLCs because they allow you to set up rules, regulations, and other procedures for your investors, to delineate how your business is run.
For a standard LLC, an Operating Agreement would cover areas like voting, compensation, accounting practices, selling or leaving the business, dispute resolution, bringing other people into the business, and similar areas.
For an investment LLC, the Operating Agreement will still contain all of these areas, but it can also go a step further. It can define various aspects of how members of the LLC (and the LLC itself) fund and makes investments. For example, an Operating Agreement could lay out:
An Operating Agreement is ideal because it means everyone is working under a common set of rules, regulations, and standards when it comes to investing. The agreement removes ambiguity and reduces the likelihood of misunderstanding or future problems with investing.
Not every financial provider or asset type is right for an LLC — you will want to seek out financial providers that allow LLC investing. Most major brokerages allow LLCs to buy and sell investments, though you will typically need to share your Operating Agreement with them.
Check brokerages like Fidelity, TD Ameritrade, Charles Schwab, or Vanguard to see what their requirements are for investing via an LLC.
LLCs are popular vehicles for holding real estate and property development investments. This is because:
Some specialized real estate portfolio providers will also allow you to invest as an LLC, giving you wide exposure to various property types.
There are some costs associated with creating and running an investment LLC, which can include:
There are some tax implications of running an investment LLC, but the good news is you’re not likely to pay more taxes than if you were investing by yourself. Here's why:
Here at Bizee, we’re experts in helping you start an investment LLC , and we make the whole process quick, easy, and painless. Here’s what you’ll need to do:
For more information, we have some very helpful state-by-state guides to starting an LLC .
You will also want to create your Operating Agreement. We have a guide to creating a standard LLC Operating Agreement, and we recommend checking with an attorney about how to structure the specific investment sections. Once you have the agreement together, you must have it approved and signed by anyone making investments through the business.
Paul is a freelance writer, small business owner, and British expat exploring the U.S. When he’s not politely apologizing, he enjoys hats, hockey, Earl Grey Tea, mountains, and dogs. Read more
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