W ho hasn't pondered, "Should I quit my job?" From demanding bosses to long commute times and low salaries, there are thousands of reasons why workers daydream about quitting their current job to find one that makes them feel valued and fulfilled. If you find yourself in this position today, here are some guidelines to help you make this overwhelming decision.
Quitting Your Job?
There are a few reasons why you should walk away from your current job and not look back. If you are experiencing verbal abuse, sexual harassment or notice anything illegal or unethical, go to the management and submit a complaint on file. If nothing changes or if the situation gets worse, consider walking out the door. Also, job-related stress can lead to a number of health problems , so ensure that your job isn't making you sick. This alone is a big reason to quit a job.
Thinking About Quitting Your Job?
Rarely is life completely black or white. There are usually grey areas that are warning signs that you should consider looking at other options and updating your resume. Here are a few of those circumstances:
- You dread going to work every morning.
- Your company is on the brink of closing (you don't have to go down with the ship).
- You're so stressed that it's affecting your health and well-being.
- Your work is suffering because you've stopped taking pride in it.
- Your work-life and personal-life aren't balanced.
- Your responsibilities are increasing but your pay isn't.
- You've become bored and stagnant at your job.
Giving Your Job Another Chance?
All jobs have their ups and downs and making a rash decision can come at a high price. Here are some common job frustrations and ways to address them so you can make the most logical choice for you.
- I want to make more money!
"Money isn’t everything. Figure out your total compensation," advises Amitai Givertz on Salary.com. "Once you’ve factored in benefits and everything else, could it be that the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow really is out of reach? Remember, you’re only worth what someone will pay you. If what you want is more money, try riding the bus and stop eating out."
- I had the worst day ever!
“Some people quit their jobs based on one isolated incident or one negative performance review and then regret it,” says Annie Stevens , partner of executive coaching firm ClearRock. "Since the only thing making you unhappy in your current job seems to be your difficult boss, consider looking around inside the company for some other opportunity."
- I feel trapped and bored!
"Regardless of how much you hate your job, you need to realize that you’re still getting something out of it," states Kat Boogaard on The Muse. "Maybe you’re mastering your Excel spreadsheet skills. Or perhaps you’re becoming an expert in successfully running team meetings. Or maybe you’ve gotten the chance to experiment with coding projects. Every job (no matter how miserable) presents an opportunity to try and learn new things."
- I don't know what I want to do, but I know I don't want to do this forever!
Career expert Mikaela Kiner explained to Lisa Evans of Fast Company that she "spent nine months in a job early in her career that she hated but learned through that job what it was that she didn’t like doing... Sticking it out in a job you hate may be a good opportunity for self-reflection. Instead of stewing in your frustration, take the time to make a list of the things you dislike about your job, so you know what to avoid in your next position."
Feeling Unsure of What to Do?
If you're still uncertain of the path you should take, this chart (see below) may be able to provide some encouragement to those of you who are unhappy with your job and need an impetus to start something new. Let's face it: if you currently have a job you are either happy, ambivalent or unhappy. If you are reading this post you are at least curious about the possibility of changing jobs and potentially starting your own business venture. Through exploring all of your options, seeing what can and cannot be changed and planning ahead, you will be able to make the best choice for your future.
Infographic Outlining Career Happiness
Infographic flowchart outlining if you should quit your job
If this work flowchart struck a chord with you then congratulations, you are ready to join the satisfied ranks of the entrepreneur.