I ’ll answer this question with one word: absolutely! We live in a world where no one has time to waste. We're constantly on the go, and our time is extremely valuable. If you want to catch the attention of a prospective client or business, just telling them to check out your website is not going to get the job done.
If this is your only marketing plan, the person on the receiving end of your email or phone call is going to simply hit "delete" or hang up the phone and completely dismiss the entire conversation. To be memorable, you’ll want to put together a business media kit to simplify the process.
But isn't a media kit super complicated, and only for really big businesses? Not true! Here's a starter guide to creating one for yourself — and it's not nearly as tedious as you might think.
Why Is It Important to Have a Business Media Kit?
When trying to build your solopreneur business (LLC , Corporation, etc.), you’ll need to get your business out in front of the audience you are trying to serve. Not everyone is going to have the time to sit down with you or take your call. In addition, as we all know, not checking your email inbox for any period of time during the day can cause you to be backlogged and only focus on the emails that MUST be replied to. The chances of having a potential customer open your email and want to go to your website to learn about you and your business are slim to none. You’ll end up getting pushed to the backburner, and that opportunity could be lost forever.
This isn’t meant to be a slap in the face that you were blown off — it’s just a matter of focusing your efforts on areas that will bring the most value to the business. Think about it: clicking around and scrolling through a random website is not on the priority list of anyone who has a busy schedule or runs a business. Instead, a solopreneur media kit (also referred to as a press kit) gives you the ability to produce a snapshot of who you are and what your business is. Many people put it in a PDF format and attach it to an email, or simply print it out and hand it to the individual in person.
So what goes in your media kit if you're a solopreneur? Here's a simple press kit template you can follow to create your own.
What Is in a Business Media Kit?
A business media kit can be as short or as long as needed to cover all the information necessary for the receiving party to know and understand your solopreneur business. In general, each section should be concise without unnecessary information and text.
When creating a business media kit, you should include at least these eight sections:
1. Introduction
This section gives you an opportunity to explain who you are, what exactly you do, and your services. You want to be concise with this section — remember, you don’t want to overwhelm the other party with long text that will consume much of their time. Insert in this section the key points you want to make and move onto the next section. Make this more of an overview than a biography of your life and vision.
Some people find it difficult to write about themselves or even to write professionally at all. If this is you, it might be wise to hire a copywriter to build your media kit for you. All you need to do is give them the basic information you would like added to your business media kit, and they will create your masterpiece.
2. Mission
What differentiates your business from every other business out there like it? Explain exactly what your business does differently and what makes it unique in the space. What are your values? Think of this as your elevator pitch. It needs to be concise, leaving the reader wanting more and eager to do business with you.
3. Services
This section should be pretty self-explanatory. Here, you want to list your services and include a little description about each. What is it that you can provide, and what problem can you solve? How is each service you offer different than every other one out there? Don’t gloat too much in this section; instead, just over-deliver when the time comes to actually work with the client.
4. List of Notable and Relevant Clients
It’s not a bad idea in your business media kit to add clients you have worked with in the past — especially if they're well-known. It’s a common courtesy, though, that you ask permission to include each of those brands and companies in your media kit. If the companies are happy with your service, they should happily agree, but it’s always proper to ask permission ahead of time.
This list has the potential to land you a project instantly if the interested party sees big-name clients, friends, or even competitors. They want to work with the best, and if they see you come with high regards, you’re a shoe-in!
5. Testimonials
Transitioning from notable clients to testimonials is a great segue for your business media kit. If you’ve mentioned any clients above, it would be great if you could get a testimonial from them to solidify your claim that you have, indeed, completed services with those companies. Testimonials are amazing mini- word-of-mouth advertising campaigns. Each brand you’ve worked with can tell the story of how great it was to work with you. The more testimonials you can get from large businesses, the better.
6. FAQs
Are there things that you are ALWAYS asked about your services? Put them in your solopreneur business media kit and get those questions out of the way early. For instance, if customers often ask you, "How long does your process normally take?", put the answer in your media kit. If people want to know how your services work or what your normal hours of operation are, put this information here.
Be sure to add anything and everything you repeatedly get asked it in this section. It might sound trivial, but it can save both you and your potential clients a lot of time going back and forth answering commonly-asked questions.
7. Rates and Packages
Now that we’re getting toward the end of your media kit, it’s time to get down to business. By the time your potential client reaches this section, they should already have decided whether they want to do business with you or not. If they liked what they saw and are certain you are what they need, your rates should really not mean too much. However, it’s a good idea to explain what your rates are for each service. Again, putting this information in the business media kit saves the back and forth of figuring out the costs involved in working with you.
Explain your packages (if you have any) and what each package includes. Be extremely specific, so there are no gray areas or questions about what each service/package will provide.
8. Contact information
Again, this is self-explanatory. How should this person get in touch with you? Include your name, address, phone number, email address, website, fax number, social media handles, and any other contact information you prefer. This will give the client several options for reaching out to you.
Hopefully you found this article useful for creating your solopreneur business media kit. This kit can be extremely helpful for quickly explaining your business and helping you grow your client and customer lists. If you need a little help figuring out how to get more clients, I have another article to guide you through the process .
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