A s the nation's soldiers return from war and begin to set up shop, they will now be required to provide documentation to be awarded the contracts and funds critical to forming an llc corporation.
The new provision requires that veterans submit an application verifying their businesses as owned and controlled by veterans, service-disabled veterans or eligible surviving spouses to qualify as a small business priority for some Department of Veterans Affairs contracts.
"VA is committed to doing business with as well as supporting and protecting veteran-owned small businesses," said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki. "Although the verification process may initially be a challenge to some small business owners and to VA, it's a necessary step to eliminate misrepresentation by firms trying to receive contracts that should go to service-disabled and other Veteran-owned vendors."
Between December 10 and 11, VA sent notices to more than 13,000 businesses via email regarding the new changes.
The website VetBiz.gov, operated by VA, offers veterans resources and advice for operating a small business. Users can search for businesses or create their own profiles.