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How to Come Up With a Unique Business Name

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    On average, 77% of customers make purchase decisions based solely on a business name.

    Naming your business isn't as simple as picking one you like. The name needs to follow state naming guidelines, resonate with the brand's customers, and, most importantly, be available across all different marketing channels.

    Follow our seven-step guide on how to name your LLC or small business and get one step closer to starting your business.

    7 Steps to Naming a Business

    How do you come up with a business name that stands out, shares your brand values, and generates trust and loyalty? Consider these key points when naming your LLC:

    1. Make It Original and Memorable

    Having a name that's too similar to another name is a big no-no. Customers may think your business lacks originality.

    You might not have the gift of words to be able to quickly think of an original and memorable business name, but don't worry. You can use the following creative strategies to name your LLC and find a distinctive name that pops:

    Use Clever Word Play, Synonyms, or Alliterations

    Wordplay, alliterations, or synonyms are creative naming strategies that can pack a punch for your target audience.

    Online directories like WordHippo and VisualThesaurus are great resources for finding inspiration. Consider popular idioms, books and movie titles, or famous quotes. A play on words can make people laugh and stick in their minds. Rhyming and alliterating words can be found on RhymeZone and Alliteration Finder.

    You can also use brand name generators like Wordoid or Bizee's Name Generator.


    Combine Words

    One of the easiest ways to come up with a business name is to combine two words. Microsoft, Instagram, DoorDash, and Upwork are just a few examples that use this popular naming trick.

    Here's a quick strategy: Write down all the words associated with your business within a stipulated time (anywhere between 5 and 15 minutes). Then, do a trial and error to see if you can combine any of those words together for a strong, relevant name.

    Try Abbreviations

    What do the names KFC, BMW, or H&M have in common? They're all examples of brands that use an abbreviation as a name. If you're thinking of naming your fitness business "Julia Fitness Classes," for instance, "JFC" is a short, easy-to-remember alternative.

    2. Keep It Simple to Spell and Pronounce

    The best business names are those that have an elegant simplicity, like Apple and Uber. They're both easy to spell and pronounce.

    Your selected name might look great on paper, but it might not sound quite right. Try out alternatives in conversation, test them out with friends, and continue refining the name until you find one that's easy to spell and say aloud.

    Complicated names with bizarre spellings and numbers (e.g., ”4” instead of “for”) in your name can backfire, as they make it harder for customers to find your business.

    3. Future-Proof the Business Name

    Avoid picking a name that's too specific. You might not have any intention of selling more than one product or expanding your business, but things might change.

    For example, due to shifting profits, Dunkin Donuts dropped "Donuts" from its name in 2018 as a way to emphasize its beverage and breakfast offerings.

    Similarly, it would be wise to stay clear of a name that mentions a specific location, like "Jewelry of Chagrin Falls." Customers might get the impression that your business only services that location. However, if the location is your USP "unique selling point," then by all means, go for it.

    Future-proof your business name by using your brand's overall value or story instead of a specific product or location. These are more likely to grow as your company grows.

    4. Consider Business Branding

    The name doesn't just have to sound right — it has to look right, too. Business names, in combination with logos and images, are integral to brand recognition.

    Test out a few names against a mock-up logo, on a letterhead, or on business stationery, and make sure your chosen name works in all places. Canva and Fiverr Logo Maker are two tools that can help you test out your business name's visual identity and logo.

    5. Compliant With State Naming Laws

    While naming your business, don't forget about legal compliances based on your type of business. Each state has its own naming restrictions, and it's best to check with your Secretary of State to find the latest guidelines.

    For instance, in New York, small businesses need special permission to use the following words while naming their business: academy, blind, trust, acceptance, exchange, conservatory, union, and savings.

    The majority of states also have naming requirements based on types of businesses. Limited Liability Companies (LLC) may be required to have some form of identifier in the official business name, like "LLC."

    If you're thinking of starting your business as a sole proprietorship and want to conduct business under a name different than your legal name, check the DBA "doing business as" requirements of your state and locality.

    6. Determine Business Name Availability

    You might have found the ideal name, but before you can officially make it yours by registering a business or filing a DBA, the name needs to be available.

    Here's how you can check if your business name is taken:

    Search State Records

    Most states have an online database — typically through their Secretary of State website — where you can easily search available business names. Many of the state websites also provide search guides that will help you conduct a thorough search and identify names that are a bit too similar to your preferred name.

    Bizee's Business Name Search Tool is a quicker way to find if your chosen business name is available. It's an all-in-one database that will allow you to see if your ideal business name is free for use in multiple states.

    Swara Ahluwalia

    Swara Ahluwalia

    Swara Ahluwalia is a freelance content writer with experience in the technical, B2B and SaaS domain. She also has curated content for various lifestyle brands. In her downtime, you will most likely find Swara training for her next marathon or spending time with her two daughters.


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