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#INCspiration – The Profit Center: Helping Small Businesses Thrive

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    There are few things more fulfilling than starting your own successful business, but Candace Ramsey has managed to find one of them: helping other entrepreneurs do the same.

    Want to know how? You're in luck: for our November INCspiration, we're featuring Candace and The Profit Center, a finance strategy company that focuses on helping small business owners find prosperity and stability in their niche. Our INspiration series is a monthly spotlight on the success stories of Bizee clients who used Bizee’s business formation services to start their companies.

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    Pivoting from Corporate to Independent

    Candace didn't start her career as an entrepreneur. In fact, she developed her unique skill set while working for larger corporations.

    "I had a strong desire to use the skills I had developed in corporate America to help small businesses. I found that I wasn't necessarily passionate about the work I was doing and I wanted to do work that made me feel more fulfilled."

    So Candace founded The Profit Center in 2019, a finance strategy firm designed to help other entrepreneurs drive growth and maximize profitability. "I knew that helping others was always something I enjoyed, and in speaking with business owners, I found that finance was an area that many struggled with and I felt I could provide services to help them."

    For the first two years of its existence, The Profit Center was a side hustle that Candace worked on in her spare time. But after her daughter was born, Candace decided to make her side hustle her full-time job. Why? "I needed more flexibility in my schedule that a typical 9-to-5 job would not allow."

    So Candace turned to Bizee for help forming an LLC when first starting her business. As she explained, "I found the pricing to be competitive and the site was easy to use." At Bizee, you can form your business for $0 + your state's fee. We'll take care of all of the detailed work for you — filling out forms, gathering information and filing with your state. Our online dashboard makes it easy for business owners to log in and get help with managing their business as well.

    Once her LLC was formed and The Profit Center became Candace's full-time occupation, success was soon to follow.

    Finding Fulfillment in Entrepreneurship

    Like many small business owners, one of Candace's favorite aspects of her chosen career path is the freedom it affords her. That freedom allows her to focus more on the things that matter most to her and her family.

    As Candace explained, "From a personal standpoint, being an entrepreneur allows me to make my own schedule, and that flexibility affords me the opportunity to prioritize spending time with my daughter when I want."

    And as an added bonus, "I can take time off whenever I want because I only have to answer to myself!"

    But Candace didn't start The Profit Center for her own benefit alone: "One of the most rewarding things about owning my own business is being able to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses," as well as to "educate and coach them on business finance."

    So in the end, Candace's small business is serving to help other entrepreneurs find the same success and freedom that she herself enjoys.

    Having the Courage to Venture Out

    Candace isn't afraid to admit that entrepreneurship doesn't come without its difficulties: "The most challenging thing about running a business is that I am the hub of the wheel that keeps things running, so I wear a lot of different hats."

    As a result, "It is a constant balance between working on my business and doing the actual work of the business," so "I have had to make thoughtful decisions about what duties and tasks I need to outsource to free up my time for my clients."

    But despite the challenging and sometimes even intimidating aspects of entrepreneurship, Candace wouldn't choose a different path. "It was scary to leave a nice salaried position that provided stability in my income, but I don't regret it at all." Perhaps that's why when Candace hears the word "entrepreneur," the first word that comes to mind is "courageous."

    And if you're struggling to muster up the courage to leave a salaried position and start your own business, you might gain confidence from Candace's belief that "if you do the work to build a sustainable business, the money will definitely follow."

    To All Aspiring Entrepreneurs: Plan Ahead but Expect Change

    If you're looking to take the leap and start your own business, Candace recommends that you "plan, but be nimble."

    She elaborated that "having a solid business plan is important to ensure you have a viable product or service, but don't be afraid to make mistakes and learn as you go. You won't get things perfect the first time, so you have to know when to pivot your strategy and try something different. Learn the lesson and use it to make yourself and your business better."

    And when you're struggling to overcome a challenge, "don't be afraid to ask for help — get a business coach, partner with subject matter experts and don't think you need to do everything yourself."

    Plans for a Profitable Future

    Candace has already made The Profit Center a success, but she's not done yet. In the future, she plans on expanding her services and team so she's able to work with and provide assistance to even more businesses.

    That's not all: "In the next year, I am working on launching a training program to teach new entrepreneurs business finance fundamentals that will allow them to create a financial roadmap for their business growth."

    Are you an entrepreneur looking to grow your small business and send profits skyrocketing? Check out The Profit Center at, or connect with Candace and her team on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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    Carrie Buchholz Powers

    Carrie Buchholz-Powers

    Carrie Buchholz-Powers is a Colorado-based writer who’s been creating content since 2013. From digital marketing to ecommerce to land conservation, she has experience in a wide range of fields and loves learning about them all. Carrie is fond of history, animals and beauty in equal measure. In her free time, she enjoys knitting, playing video games and exploring Colorado's prairies and mountains with her husband.


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