When you have a unique name for your Florida corporation or LLC, we’ll help you legally form your business through our quick, easy, and inexpensive FL entity formation process.
To search for Florida business entities, just enter your details in the box below, and we’ll take care of everything else.
If You’re Thinking of Forming a New Florida Corporation or LLC, You Can Start by Finding the Perfect Name
Our helpful Florida LLC and corporation search tool lets you look up business names in FL to see if they’re available. Easily check for existing company names with the Florida Division of Corporations registry of businesses.
Use Our Free Business Name Search Tool to Find Out If Your Company Name Is Available
We’ll take care of the entity search.
All businesses formed in Florida must be named following certain rules.
Your Florida business name should not be confusable with or similar to another business in FL.
Normally, you cannot imply connection with a Florida state entity or that you will be carrying out activities your FL business is not legally able to provide.
If your Florida business is an LLC, it must contain “Limited Liability Company” or an abbreviation. If it’s a corporation, it must contain a word like “Incorporated,” “Corporation,” or something similar.
Learn More About Forming an LLC or Corporation in Florida
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