Bootstrapped, Founder Led, Independently OwnedSince 2004withOver 1,000,000 EntrepreneursServed!
Georgia on Your Mind?
Plenty of peachy opportunities await in Georgia, where businesses grow as sweet and strong as the state's famed fruit. Come for the peaches, stay for the business.
Company name verification
Business banking
Free first year registered agent
Lifetime company alerts
Preparation and filing of articles
Online order status tracking
Free business tax consult
Lifetime customer support
Company name verification
Business banking
Free first year registered agent
Lifetime company alerts
Preparation and filing of articles
Online order status tracking
Free business tax consult
Lifetime customer support
Compare Packages
Set Up Your Small Business Banking
Set Up Your Small Business Banking
Exclusive Offer for Bizee Formation Customers
When your formation is complete a Bank of America Business Advantage banking account can be set up and an eligible small business credit card can be applied for over the phone, saving you time and allowing your business to earn a bonus from $100-500 with qualifying activities.
Why do over 1,000,000 businesses love BIZEE?
Launch your GEORGIA LLC with bizee
No Contracts. No Surprises.
Only $0 + State Fee to Launch Your Georgia-Based Business.