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D o things feel stale with your small business? Is your product or service still attracting customers and generating growth or has business flattened out, or worse yet, declined? Every now and then, no matter the size or type of business, a revaluation of your brand, messaging and logo may be in order. This refresh can either be a tweaking or full rebranding. Even today’s powerhouses like McDonald’s, Apple and Walmart have gone through the process of rebranding, and the changes that they've implemented have made them even stronger companies today. For instance, Apple's iconic logo may not have changed much, but the company has shifted its focus and finessed its branding numerous time to great effect.
So what are the steps that you should take to reinvigorate your brand and breathe new life into your business? Following is a breakdown of key considerations to take in your rebranding, the steps to follow and the best ways to get the word out.
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Click HereThere are many reasons why businesses look into rebranding. Perhaps the messaging is no longer as effective as it used to be. Maybe the logo, color pattern, design or even brand or company name are out of style and no longer evoke the same response from customers. Maybe the name itself and the message it sends is so outdated that it can even be considered offensive. Products like Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben’s and Eskimo Pie have gone through a rebranding because they portrayed racist stereotypes. They are now called Pearl Mill Company, Ben’s Original Rice and Edy’s Pie.
Another reason why rebranding could be in order is if you are expanding your market or want to reach a different audience. Think of those new Old Spice commercials that are reaching out to a younger audience of men and women. Or the “cooler” Dunkin’ that lets us know that they are not just about donuts but also coffees, sandwiches and other drink options.
In all of these scenarios, the foundation of a strong brand is trust. No matter how quirky or hip you try to be, if there's no trust, there's nothing to build your brand on.
Some companies look into rebranding because of a bad reputation, which usually impacts the trust consumers place in them. One example of this is Blackwater, the private security firm whose employees were accused of killings in Iraq. After a number of name changes, they are now called Academi. But oftentimes, the reason many companies rebrand is that their name may not resonant with the market or their audience. Two well-known examples include BackRub, now Google, and Cadabra, which is today’s Amazon.
Whatever the reason for a rebranding, there are a number of considerations that a business owner will need to make. This can include everything from updating the brand name and design, to offering the proper messaging and ensuring that tagline, product names and even URLs are available and not registered to another company. Here’s a breakdown of key steps any business owner will need to take when it comes to rebranding their business
How Do You Rebrand a Marketing Plan?
Marketing will play a large role in your rebranding. Big companies with huge budgets use television and radio ads, billboards, mailers and special promotions, but luckily the playing field is a bit more leveled when it comes to using social media and word-of-mouth in promoting your rebranding initiative.
Here are some key steps to take in marketing your new brand.
Legalities of Rebranding Your Small Business
An important part of your rebranding strategy is making sure that you not only protect your brand but also avoid getting into any legal trouble if someone already has the name. In the case of the latter, doing your due diligence and research is important. Investing time and money into a rebranding strategy that mimics another company can open your small business to legal actions and liabilities. So to make sure that your rebranding strategy also protects your company, reputation and prospects for success, add the following to your checklist.
Getting the Right Help for Your Rebranding Plans
Ultimately the main reason for a rebrand is more than just a name or logo change or updated website. It’s a redirection of your product or plan of generating a new experience for the customer. It can involve a restructuring of your business as well as your workforce. Rebranding also involves messaging, including what your company does and why and anything else you’d like your customers to know about your product, service and mission. Through a successful rebranding campaign, companies can come out stronger and reinvigorated with a new direction and a plan to meet their goals.
To make sure that your rebranding process runs smoothly, consider using a professional service with a strong track record. Since 2004, Bizee has helped over 1,000,000 business owners start a business, file for trademarks, find the right brand name , handle ongoing filing requirements and get help when it comes to managing your business entity.
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Click HerePeter Mavrikis is an author and editor with over 25 years of experience in publishing. He has worked as the Editorial Director for Barron’s Educational Series, as well as Kaplan Test Prep, where he ran the test prep, foreign language, and study guide. Read more
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