Starting an LLC in Arkansas? All of our business formation packages include a FREE business tax consultation.
If you're considering setting up a shop in Arkansas, you probably already know about several things that Arkansas is known for, but did you know that it's home to the only active diamond mine in the United States? Regardless, we think Arkansas is a great place to start a business, and when you're forming an LLC here, there's no doubt that you'll have a lot of questions. We've gathered many of the most frequently asked questions to help you get the ball rolling with your Arkansas LLC. From registering your company with the state of Arkansas, to business licenses and corporate franchise taxes, we’ve got you covered. We’ve answered these questions below and linked extensively to our guides, tools and other services, which makes everything streamlined and simple.
Incorporate Through Bizee for $0 + the Arkansas State Fee
And get a free Registered Agent for a year.
Incorporate Your Arkansas LLC NowIs Your Business Name Available in Your State?
Find out using Bizee’s Business Name Search Tool.
Free Business Name SearchTrying to Come Up With a Creative Business Name?
Try Bizee's Business Name Generator to brainstorm ideas.
Business Name GeneratorHave Bizee Act as Your Registered Agent for Only $119 a Year
Or get your first year free when you incorporate your business through us.
Registered Agent ServiceNeed to Change Your Registered Agent?
Have Bizee file the paperwork for you
Change Of Registered Agent Serviceincorporate now
No Contracts. No Surprises. Only $0 + State Fee to Launch Your Business.