Reduce the Tax You Pay by Having Your LLC Treated as an S Corp for Tax Purposes.
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If you want to reduce the amount of tax you pay on your LLC earnings, an S Corporation Tax Election (form 2553) is a necessity. This tax election tells the Internal Revenue Service to tax your LLC business as an S Corporation, which could reduce the amount of income on which you need to pay self-employment tax (including Social Security, Medicare and FICA). This can substantially reduce your tax bill with only a slight increase in administrative overhead for you and your accountant.
When it comes to the amount of tax you owe the federal and state government, your income from an LLC is normally taxed similarly to that of sole proprietorship businesses. For a small, one-person LLC, this typically works as follows.
An S Corporation Tax Election reduces the amount of tax you pay in step 4, self-employment tax. It has no impact on any other taxes.
You will need to set up a monthly payroll where you pay yourself and submit your payroll taxes.
You will need to set up a monthly payroll where you pay yourself and submit your payroll taxes.
How to File Your S Corp Tax Election
There are a couple of ways you can file form 2553. File Form 2553, S Corporation Tax Election If you want to complete the filing process yourself, here are the steps you need to follow: