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U nder the right circumstances, a limited liability company (LLC) can benefit from establishing a DBA — or “doing business as” — name . But all the misinformation surrounding DBAs, how they work and when they best serve your company only presents further complications. Many companies lack the guidance to make an informed decision regarding their company’s potential return on investment with a DBA.
And even when they do decide to pursue a DBA filing, business owners often don’t even know how to get started. Is it really necessary, for example, to make a physical visit to the corresponding office to file the paperwork? Or is there a simpler solution, one that is not some kind of scam ? Can you apply for a DBA online?
After all, as rising business owners, time is a commodity that is already in short supply. So here is a breakdown of everything you need to know, including how to file your DBA online.
Before you can hope to make effective use of a DBA , you need to start by knowing exactly what it is. Unfortunately, the business landscape has been clouded with a variety of similar terms, such as:
In reality, all of the above mean the same thing: DBA.
Depending on a variety of factors involving your business, you might be accustomed to a term other than DBA. But rest assured, they all refer to your company’s operational name. In many cases, this is the same as your company’s registered legal name. However, you’ll need to confirm with your state whether any specific rules govern or limit your company’s DBA.
For many companies, a DBA is nice to have but not necessarily a game changer. Generally speaking, your business is in the best position to benefit from a DBA if you are in one of these scenarios:
Can you file a DBA online? The short answer is yes—if your state allows it.
Once you decide you’re ready to file your DBA , you have some flexibility regarding your approach. When it comes to filing it yourself, let’s discuss your options in a bit more detail.
Many busy professionals choose not to take full ownership of the DBA filing process. And that’s entirely okay. After all, delegating such administrative tasks comes with the territory. With so much to accomplish in relatively little time, you’ll need all the help you can get. That’s why Bizee offers a full-service experience that handles the DBA registration for you .
Using Bizee's service means you won't have to worry about forms, registration or even fees. We’ll collect all the necessary information and get the process started so that you don't have to clear your schedule to finally get around to filing your DBA. Best of all, you can sign up for Bizee’s service right now from the comfort of your computer or mobile device.
We’ll connect your company to the local agency and run a check ourselves. Your DBA filing will be in progress at last. Moreover, you can file a DBA any time, whether your company is just starting or has been around for a while. Ready to get your DBA filed? Learn more about our DBA filing package !
Robert Yaniz Jr. has been a professional writer since 2004, including print and online publications. Much of his experience centers on the business world, including work for a major regional business newspaper and a global law firm Read more
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