A ccording to The 2018 Infinite Dial Study by Edison Research and Triton Digital , “Podcasting continues to steadily grow, as 44% of Americans 12+ now say they have ever listened to a podcast, up from 40% from last year.” That study also revealed that 12 million people listened to a podcast for the first time last year.
We wanted to see how many of our Bizee followers are podcast listeners, and what benefits listening to podcasts may have when it comes to their business. So on October 22, 2018, we took to our Twitter page and asked our followers to vote on the below poll question:
Out of the responses we received, 63 percent said the biggest benefit of listening to podcasts for their business was learning while multitasking. This answer was overwhelmingly the most popular, with over half of the votes. The second most popular answer was for finding new ideas, which only received 25 percent of the votes.
Respondents who voted in favor of learning while multitasking understand that podcasts are perfect for a busy business owner who is constantly on the go. Just grab your device, press play, and go about your tasks.
Some of the best times to listen to a podcast are on your commute to and from work, when you're on a plane or traveling, while getting ready for work, waiting in lines, at the grocery store, at the gym...or even while at work (on your lunch break?). Honestly, you can have a podcast on in the background while partaking in most activities.
There is a podcast for nearly every mood, topic, and personality. Some are short and sweet while others are in-depth and hours long. If you need help narrowing them down, our list of 10 Podcasts for Soloprenuers is a great place to start. Looking for podcasts specific to real estate investing? Check out this list we compiled for you.
Podcasts can teach you new things while helping you stay up to date on culture, trends, and current events. All of those hours you spend absorbing useful information about business, branding, marketing, soloprenuership, etc. will hopefully provide you with new ideas, clarity on questions, innovative approaches, tips on handling failure, guidance to success and so much more.
What are some of your favorite podcasts that benefit your business? Comment below!
Want to cast your vote in our next poll? Be sure to follow Bizee’s Twitter page to stay up to date on all things Bizee, as well as share your experiences as a small business owner.