Carry out a Georgia entity search before creating your business.
We’ll help you look up your proposed business name in Georgia and see if it’s available for you to form a corporation or LLC. You can easily check for existing company names with the Georgia Corporations Division of the Secretary of State's registry of businesses.
To search for Georgia business entities, just enter your details in the box below, and we’ll take care of everything else.
We’ll take care of the entity search.
All businesses formed in Georgia must be named following certain rules.
Your Georgia business name should not be confusable with or similar to another business in GA.
If your Georgia business is an LLC, it must contain “Limited Liability Company” or an abbreviation. If it’s a corporation, it must contain a word like “Incorporated,” “Corporation” or something similar.
Normally, you cannot imply connection with a Georgia state entity or that you will be carrying out activities your GA business is not legally able to provide.
In addition to the general rules listed above, the Georgia Secretary of State has some specific business naming rules for your LLC or Corporation. You will need to follow these rules if you want to name your GA business appropriately.
Use of the following terms in an entity name requires written approval from the Office of Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner: “insurance,” “assurance,” “surety,” “fidelity,” “reinsurance,” “reassurance” or “indemnity”
Use of the following terms or any variation of the word “bank” in an entity name requires written approval from the Department of Banking and Finance: "bank," “banc,” “banque,” “banker,” “banking company,” “banking house,” “bancorp,” “bankruptcy,” “credit union,” “savings & loan,” “trust” or “trust company”
Use of the following terms in an entity name requires written approval from the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission: “college” or “university”
We have a full guide to starting a new business in Georgia. Learn about how to start a GA LLC or a GA corporation.