Carry out a New York entity search before creating your LLC or corporation.
Both New York City and New York state combine diverse cultures with a thriving economy. In addition to finance, the region is home to several other major sectors including media, tourism, entertainment, and technology.
Our helpful New York LLC and corporation search tool lets you look up business names in NY to see if they’re available. We’ll check your proposed business name against the registry of businesses held by the New York Department of State.
We’ll take care of the entity search.
Once you’ve checked to see if your New York business name is available, you’ll need to confirm it follows certain naming rules.
Your business name must be unique and not similar to or confusable with another business name in New York.
Normally, you cannot imply connection with a New York state entity or that you will be carrying out activities your NY business is not legally able to provide.
If your New York business is an LLC, it must contain “Limited Liability Company” or an abbreviation. If it’s a corporation, it must contain a word like “Incorporated”, “Corporation,” or something similar.
If you’re forming an LLC or corporation in New York, you will also need to follow the naming rules below:
You must obtain consent from the appropriate licensing body or agency to use terms in your corporation name related to licensed professions or businesses
You cannot use any language considered obscene, derogatory, or that states or implies any unlawful activity
Prohibited words include: attorney, board of trade, chamber of commerce, community, cooperation, cooperative, corporation, incorporated, partnership, redevelopment, state police, state trooper, tenant relocation, urban development, urban relocation
Ready to start your business? Bizee will take care of the paperwork for you and file it with the New York Department of State-all for as little as $0 + state fee.