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Need to Know How Much an LLC


You’re in the right place! Review your state filing fees and LLC costs below.

When you’re starting a business, every dollar counts. Uncover how much you'll need to spend when you start an LLC in your state.

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How Much Does an LLC Cost?

The cost to file an LLC varies from state to state but ranges from $40 to $500.

A man with a title Start na LLC in the background

How much your LLC will cost depends on which state your LLC will be formed in. Before starting your business, use the free LLC fees filing tool below to research and compare different state fees quickly and easily.

LLC Costs by State

Although you can use our free step-by-step guide to form your LLC yourself, why not save time and stress by using Bizee’s free LLC formation service at no extra cost — you’ll only pay the state fee. 

How do I get started with an LLC? Form your LLC now.

Other Expenses

Although the main cost when starting an LLC is the state filing fee, there are additional up-front and ongoing costs to plan for.

Upfront LLC Costs

In addition to the state filing fee there are other up-front costs that you need to be aware of. They vary by state and include:

  • Fees to reserve the name of your LLC (from $10 to $50)
  • Fees for filing a fictitious business name application if you're going to operate under a different name (ranges from $5 to $100)
  • The cost of getting your business license (costs anywhere from $50 to $100)
  • Permit fees (the permits or licenses your business may need will depends on your industry but can vary from $0 to thousands of dollars)
  • Publication fees (Applicable in New York, Nebraska, & Arizona range from $40 to $2,000)
The Ongoing Costs of Running an LLC

Once your LLC is up and running, you'll need to pay recurring fees or maintenance costs to keep it in good standing with local and state government. Ongoing LLC costs also vary by state and include:

  • Annual LLC taxes, sometimes known as franchise tax (usually $0 to $100 but can be as much as $800)
  • Annual report fees (up to $500)
  • Registered Agent fees (ranges from $100 to $300)
  • Business license renewal fees (from $20 to $100) (up to $500)

Compare Bizee vs. ZenBusiness and discover how you can save from 60% to 76% during the first 5 years of your business with Bizee.

Let Bizee take care of your ongoing maintenance to keep your business in good standing and help you manage renewals and yearly reporting for peace of mind.

Not sure an LLC is Right for Your Business?

There are some businesses that can’t form an LLC such as banks, insurance companies, financial trusts, and other financial institutions.

In some states, certain industries can’t form LLC’s either — for example accountants, architects, and health care providers can’t form LLCs in California.

There are also some business types just that aren’t a good fit for forming an LLC:

  • Startups that wish to offer stock options or bring on investors
  • Nonprofits because it makes formation more complex and there are laws preventing it in many states

Get an overview of business structures and explore different business entities to ensure you pick the best business type for your needs with our Business Resources.

LLC not right for you? Get started with a C Corp or an S Corp.

Frequently Asked Questions About State Filing Fees

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