With an influencer media kit in your arsenal, you'll be able to quickly show potential brand partners your style, follower count, audience demographics, top-performing content, pricing guidelines and more, all without spending any unnecessary time.
Simply put, an influencer media kit is a digital portfolio, business card and pricing guide, all combined into one streamlined place. (It's also known as an influencer brand kit, social media kit or press kit.)
When you want to introduce yourself to a brand, propose a partnership or respond to a partnership proposal, you can simply send along your media kit. No need to spend hours crafting custom emails, texts or DMs for each brand you communicate with.
Here, you can create a stunning media kit of your own in minutes. Download our free media kit template below.
While there are no rules dictating what every influencer media kit should and shouldn't include, you'd be smart to include the following elements:
Short bio and/or introduction
Several photos that represent your style and aesthetic
Overview of your follower count across various social platforms
Audience demographics
Your services (social media posts, sidebar ads, blog posts, and the like)
Per-service pricing
Best-performing content
Previous brands you've worked with, if applicable
Now that you know what an influencer media kit is and what it can include, you're ready to start creating one of your own.
Create Your Influencer Media Kit
Show potential brand partners your style, follower count, audience demographics, and more
Across all platforms, influencers with 1K–10K followers charge anywhere from $2 to $250 per post, and those with 1M+ followers can charge as much as $25K per post (or more). But how much should you charge?
One of the most challenging parts of putting together an influencer media kit is determining how much you should charge for each service.
Luckily, knowing how much other influencers charge for their services can make the process much easier. To find out, we'll use data gathered from thousands of influencers.
On Instagram, influencers with:
On TikTok, influencers with:
On YouTube, influencers with:
On X (formerly Twitter), influencers with:
On Facebook, influencers with:
Those are all just average amounts, though. There are always exceptions, and there are a number of factors besides your follower count that can drastically affect your prices.
For instance, you could tweak the amount you charge based on:
So if you want to get an even clearer idea of how much you should charge brands for sponsored content, one of the best things you can do is talk to other influencers whose pricing factors are as similar to yours as possible. If they're willing to give you an idea of how much they charge, you can use that information to guide your own pricing.
If you're a social media influencer, having a media kit is like having a car — you might not technically need one, but it will make your life a whole lot easier. So if you want to stop wasting time on writing custom emails to brands, make yourself look more professional and land more sponsorships, a media kit is a must-have.
The terms "press kit" and "media kit" are sometimes treated as the same thing, but there's one major difference. While a media kit is an all-purpose kit that's designed to be sent to any brand at any time, a press kit is designed to be sent to journalists, podcast hosts, media outlets and the like, usually to assist them in covering a timely event.
A good media kit should be short, sweet and to the point, so don't let yours exceed two pages (one page is even better). Ready to start creating your own media template? Download our free influencer media kit template now. And if you want to grow and run your influencer business like a pro, Bizee can help with that too. With our services, you can form an LLC, get a virtual address, get a tax consultation and other business resources.