Carry out a New Jersey entity search before creating your business.
New Jersey is a wealthy state and a leader across several industries including telecommunications, investment, finance, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, chemical production and food processing.
Look up your proposed business name in New Jersey and see if it's available for you form a corporation or LLC. We'll check your proposed business name against the registry of businesses held by the New Jersey Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services.
Once you've found the right New Jersey business name, you can quickly register your NJ LLC or corporation through us for one low fee. To search for New Jersey business entities, just enter your details in the box below, and we'll take care of everything else.
We’ll take care of the entity search.
Once you've checked to see if your New Jersey business name is available, you'll need to confirm it follows certain naming rules.
If your New Jersey business is an LLC, it must contain "Limited Liability Company" or an abbreviation. If it's a corporation, it must contain a word like "Incorporated", "Corporation" or something similar.
Normally, you cannot imply connection with a New Jersey state entity or that you will be carrying out activities your NJ business is not legally able to provide.
Your business name must be unique and not similar to or confusable with another business name in New Jersey.
In addition to the general rules listed above, the New Jersey Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services has some specific business naming rules for your LLC. You will need to follow these rules if you want to name your NJ business appropriately.
Certain restricted words need additional paperwork, and other words are prohibited. Restricted and prohibited words include: Blind, Cemetery, Funeral Homes, Handicapped, Urban Renewal, D.C., District of Columbia, Little League, Metropolitan, Olympia, Olympic, Postal, Realtor, Trust or Underwriters.
Ready to start your business? Bizee will take care of the paperwork for you and file it with the New Jersey Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services - all for as little as $0 + state fee.